Minggu, 03 Februari 2013

16 Words Changing Life.

- Choose.
" We can't always choose the circumstances, but we can choose our attitudes Towards them. "

- Words
" Words are Freedom. Words are Power. "

- Believe Yourself.
" Avoid doing something just because everyone Thinks You Should. Give your self permissions to Relax."

- Happiness.
" Happiness involves giving freely to others and not necessarily wanting something to return. "

- Reading.
" Reading removes Boundaries. "

- Hope.
" Hope is the knowledge that even in the worst of times we can triumph over hardship and sorrow and grow in spirit." Grow is what sustains humanity."

- Touch. 
" Human need Touch to survive n thrive. Don't forget to hug your loved ones. Pat your friend on the back literally n figuratively."

- Relation.
" Relationships are what pull us through the Hard Times, and make the good time Meaningful. Take time to nurture the connection uplift you."

- Creative.
" Creativity maintains balance in our lives. the more we Use our Creativity, the more it Develops."

- Clearly.
" we can always find something that " need to be done " and we forget how to have fun. make conscious effort to take time off. you will fell refreshed and able to think more clearly afterwards."

- Growth.
" Allow your self to grow by exposing your vulnerability and insecurity. don't life strictly inside your comfort zone don't always play it safe. "

- Believe.
" Being paralyzed by indecision is worse than making the wrong decision. you can't grow if you don't trust your inner voice."

- Concept.
" Set your mind to predict Success. Tell yourself you will succeed at whatever you are doing at the Moment."

- Imagine.
" Your Imagination has no Boundaries " Dreaming something is the first step toward Acheiving It "
- Laugh.
" Laughter is a direct route to the Soul. It Broadens your perspective, keep you healthy, and makes unbearable situation Easier to deal with. "

" Take charge of your life by beginning something you've always wanted to do. if your goal seems overwelming, start small. "

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